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Extreme Markup Languages 2004: Proceedings |
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Well-formedness is an essential requirement that must be fulfilled by every XML document. There is a broad consensus not to accept any well-formedness violations and to reject any document that violates well-formedness instead of trying to fix the error.
However, there are some exceptions where it can be both necessary and safe to repair well-formedness violations, as long as this occurs not at the receiving side (XML parser) but at the generating side (XML generator). In this case the malformed document is never seen by other applications, it is only a temporary internal artifact of the generator.
A scenario from the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) led to the development of the repair algorithm described in this paper. The goal is to prepare XML (e.g. XHTML) documents for text mining (information extraction) by augmenting them with linguistic annotations such as part-of-speech (POS) tags and sentence "chunks" (verb groups, noun phrases and prepositional phrases etc.). Such annotations can be conveniently stored in XML format. In case of plain text input there is no problem, but if the input already is XML the issue of nesting arises.
The tagger used in our project (TreeTagger [Tree]) is a third-party component mainly targeted at plain text input—in this case the output will be a well-formed XML document. It offers very limited support for XML input by ignoring any existing markup, simply copying it to the output. In this case, however, the resulting output will typically contain nesting errors and thus no longer be well-formed.
To address this and some other real-life problems (outlined in Section 6) we decided to develop an algorithm that can repair nesting errors and most other kinds of well-formedness violations in XML-like input. We denote the algorithm as "shallow" since it doesn't require access to a DTD or XML Schema to work.
In the next section we analyze the types of errors that can occur in XML-like input. We then explain the configuration options and heuristics used by our repair algorithm, prior to presenting the algorithm itself. After examining limitations of the algorithm, we outline further application scenarios and discuss related work. We conclude this paper by looking at possible further extensions of the algorithm.
We distinguish several types of errors that can occur in XML-like input, preventing it from being well-formed.
Error Possible Fix <emphasis type=strong> <emphasis type="strong"> Procter & Gamble Procter & Gamble a < b a < b </emphasis> </emphasis>
Error Possible Fix <paragraph> <paragraph> <sentence> <sentence> ... ... </paragraph> </sentence> </sentence> </paragraph>
Error Possible Fix <paragraph> <paragraph> ... ... <sentence> <sentence> ... ... </sentence> </paragraph> </paragraph> <paragraph> <paragraph> <sentence> ... ... </sentence> </sentence> </paragraph> </paragraph>
Error Possible Fix <paragraph> <paragraph> <sentence> <sentence> ... ... </sentence> </paragraph> </paragraph>
Error Possible Fix <document> <paragraph> <paragraph> ... ... </paragraph> </paragraph> <paragraph> <paragraph> ... ... </paragraph> </paragraph> Text. Text. </document>
There are some other types of possible errors, e.g. concerning the uniqueness of attributes (duplicate attributes within a start or empty tag are prohibited) or the declaration of entities. These are not discussed here because they cannot be repaired by our algorithm (and most of them probably cannot be fixed in a generally useful way without user intervention).
The last type of error (missing root) can only be fixed if the user specified the qualified name to use when a root element must be created (document in the example given above). If none is given and this type of error is detected, the algorithm gives up and declares the document as irreparable.
There are two options to process widowed start tags whose corresponding end tag is missing:
Error First Option Second Option <paragraph> <paragraph> <paragraph> <sentence> <sentence> <sentence/> ... ... ... </sentence> </paragraph> </paragraph> </paragraph>
To determine which option to use, a set of emptiable tags for which the second option should be used can be specified. The first option is used for widowed tags of all other types; in this case the missing end tag is inserted at the latest possible position (immediately before the embedding end tag).
A simple heuristic for the placement of missing start tags is to place them immediately after the start tag of the embedding element (analogously to missing end tags). However if an element contains several widowed end tags of the same type (qualified name), the created start tags appear consecutively, resulting in a potentially deep nesting of same-type elements.
This might be appropriate in some cases, but more often same-type elements are arranged in succession within a common embedding element instead of being nested. Thus our heuristic is to place the first missing start tag of a type after the start tag of the embedding element, but to place any further start tags of the same type after the last end tag of this type.
Error Simple Heuristic Our Heuristic <paragraph> <paragraph> <paragraph> <sentence> <sentence> <sentence> ... ... ... </sentence> </sentence> </sentence> <sentence> ... ... ... </sentence> </sentence> </sentence> </paragraph> </paragraph> </paragraph>
To realize this we use the concept of tentative start tags. A tentative start tag is created after an end tag whose start tag was either missing or itself tentative if the next tag of the same type is also an end tag (which means that another start tag is missing).
For some kinds of character-level errors there are different possibilities of resolving them depending on user preferences. This is discussed in Section 4.2.
Our algorithm proceeds in two passes. In the first pass, the input document is tokenized and character-level errors are fixed. All other kinds of errors are resolved in the second pass. The first pass also prepares suitable data structures to allow efficient repair in the second pass (data structures are marked by underlining in the following text).
In the first pass, the XML-like input is tokenized into a sequence of constituents. XML documents can contain ten types of constituents:
If there is text that doesn't fit any constituent type, the algorithm tries to fix this error at the character level, as described in Section 4.2. Tokenization is done via complex regular expressions, similar to the shallow XML parser described in [Cam98].
Constituents are either markup (declarations, PIs, tags, comments) or text (textual content, CDATA sections). Each markup constituent is assigned a markup series number—a markup series is a series of markup and outer whitespace not interrupted by non-whitespace text. The concept of markup series is used to distinguish between simple and hard nesting errors. Simple nesting errors can be resolved by moving tags within the same markup series.
In addition to a (doubly linked) list of all constituents, a data structure containing all unprocessed tags is built which initially contains all start and end tags (but no empty tags).
These repairs are performed prior to the the detection of nesting errors to allow a correct tokenization.
A start tag is said to have a corresponding end tag if and only if the unprocessed tags data structure contains an end tag of the same type (qualified name), not preceded by a start tag of the same type.
A start tag is said to be missing its end tag iff the next unprocessed appearance is not an end tag and the number of unprocessed start tags of this type is equal to or greater than the number of unprocessed end tags of this type.
The second pass traverses the list of constituents created in the first pass. Each encountered start tag is moved from unprocessed tags to a stack of open tags. When an end tag is encountered, the algorithm iterates the following loop until the end tag has been processed (a match has been found):
At the end of the document, end tags are created and added for remaining open tags, if any. They are inserted after the last root content (content that is only allowed within a single root element: tags, text except outer whitespace, CDATA sections), but before any trailing non-root content (outer whitespace, comments, PIs). This fixes widowed tags.
If the root element is missing, i.e. not all root content is enclosed within a single element and this cannot be fixed by moving tags within markup series, an root element of the configured type can be created. If the algorithm is not configured to create a root element (default), processing will stop with an exception in this case. The inserted root element will cover as little content as possible, i.e. all root content, but no preceding or following non-root content. This fixes a missing root element.
After the two passes, any well-formedness violations that can be detected by our algorithm have been fixed. The repaired list of constituents is serialized into a document that in most cases will be well-formed XML (unless it contains errors that are not addressed by our algorithm, e.g. duplicate attributes).
While the heuristics of the algorithm are designed to cover typical problems in a reasonable way, there are some situations where the results will not be what a user might expect.
The heuristics for placing missing start or end tags cannot handle all cases adequately, especially they do not consider possible relationships between elements of different types. For example, in HTML [HTML4], the th and td elements are alternatives: a th element should end at the start of a td element, and vice versa. Since the algorithm is shallow and does not consider DTDs or Schemas, it cannot take such relationships into account.
In case of hard nesting errors, one of the two overlapping elements must be split, but there is no perfect way to decide which one. Currently the algorithm uses a very simple heuristic: it always splits the element that starts and ends later (the second element). In some cases, a user might want to split the first element instead, but there is no way to detect this automatically.
Some combinations of errors can mislead the algorithm. If a widowed start tag is followed by a widowed end tag of the same type, the algorithm will assume that the end tag complements the start tag to form a single element. It will accordingly resolve any hard nesting errors between this presumed element and other elements, even if this means splitting an element multiple times.
Another kind of limitation results from the shallow treatment of attributes. When an element is split, any attributes are copied to the newly created start tag. In case of ID attributes this violates the ID validity constraint, since the ID value will no longer be unique. To complement a widowed end tag, a start tag without any attributes is created. This will cause a validity error if there are required attributes for this element type. These types of errors could only be addressed by accessing a DTD or XML Schema, if at all.
In addition to the scenario presented in Section 1, we employ the algorithm in two other settings:
Sentence tagging: |
For our linguistic preprocessing, we need to insert elements enclosing whole sentences for augmenting the within-sentence level linguistic annotations provided by the tagger mentioned above. The tagger provides information that allows to locate the end of sentences, but it cannot detect the beginning. Thus we insert widowed end tags marking the end of sentences and let the algorithm insert the corresponding start tag based on the heuristic explained in Section 3.3. |
Conversion of legacy documents: |
One of our text mining test cases is to extract information from the RISE Seminar Announcements corpus [RISE S.A.]. This corpus has been published in a format that is similar to but not exactly SGML (nor does it claim to be). This format uses start and end tags; but there is no root tag, characters such as "&" and "<" are not escaped, and the published documents contain lots of nesting errors (mainly of the simple kind). Our algorithm converts these documents into XML so they can be processed by any XML parser. |
The shallow, regular expression-based REX [Cam98] parser has been an major source of inspiration for the tokenization performed in the first pass of the algorithm (though the regular expressions used here have been developed largely independently, partially due to the better Unicode support in Java and to address XML 1.1 [XML1.1]).
There are some programs that fix SGML/XML documents corresponding to certain DTDs. For example, HTML Tidy [Tidy] corrects errors in HTML documents, including nesting errors and missing end tags. Knowledge of used DTDs is built into such programs; they cannot be used for fixing documents conforming to other DTDs or XML Schemas.
There are algorithms for merging different versions of XML documents following a diff and patch model, e.g. [Kol03]. An overview of algorithms for detecting changes in XML documents in given in [Cob02]. The 3DM system presented in [Lin01] performs a 3-way merge. Given the base form of a document and two variants created by independently editing the base form, a new version is created that unifies the changes performed in both variants. A similar approach is implemented in [Kom03].
For the problem at hand, such approaches would not be usable because they assume that (a) the different versions are correct XML and (b) all changes from the edited versions should be integrated. Thus it is not possible to impose new tree structure elements without being aware of the existing structure.
We have analyzed the types of errors that can occur in XML-like input, preventing it from being well-formed. We have presented a shallow algorithm that can fix most of these errors.1 Repairing well-formedness violations is usually considered a no-no, but we have shown that there are situations where it can be useful, providing examples from our own work.
There are several paths for possible future work: the algorithm could be extended to fix other kinds of well-formedness violations, e.g. duplicate attributes; duplicate or misplaced XML/Document Type Declarations; or double hyphens ("--") within comments.
The heuristics used by the algorithm could be modified or refined. For example, missing end tags could be inserting adapting the placement heuristic that is currently used for missing start tags (cf. Section 3.3). A more challenging task would be to extend the algorithm to consider the DTD or Schema used for a document (if any exists), to address some of the limitations discussed in Section 5.
1. |
Our algorithm is freely available as part of the TiEs system [TiEs]. |
I would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their useful comments and suggestions. This research is supported by the German Research Society (DFG grant no. GRK 316).
[Cam98] Cameron, Robert D. REX: XML Shallow Parsing with Regular Expressions. Tech.Rep. 1998-17, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, 1998.
[Cob02] Cobéna, Grégory; Talel Abdessalem and Yassine Hinnach. A Comparative Study for XML Change Detection. Gemo Report 221, INRIA, 2002.
[HTML4] HTML 4.01 Specification. W3C Recommendation, 24 December 1999.
[Kol03] Kohlhase, Michael and Romeo Anghelache. Towards Collaborative Content Management and Version Control for Structured Mathematical Knowledge. In Second International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM 2003). 2003.
[Kom03] Komvoteas, Kyriakos. XML Diff and Patch Tool. Master's thesis, Computer Science Department, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2003.
[Lin01] Lindholm, Tancred. A 3-way Merging Algorithm for Synchronizing Ordered Trees—The 3DM Merging and Differencing Tool for XML. Master's thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, Dept. of Computer Science, 2001.
[RISE S.A.] RISE Seminar Announcements Corpus.
[Tidy] HTML Tidy.
[TiEs] Trainable Incremental Extraction System.
[Tree] TreeTagger.
[XML1.0] Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition). W3C Recommendation, 04 February 2004.
[XML1.1] Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1. W3C Recommendation, 04 February 2004, edited in place 15 April 2004.
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